Contusions, 扭伤 and 骨折: What's the Difference?

A mother inspecting her little girl's injured leg

When you get injured, it can sometimes be difficult to tell how serious it is. 是骨折还是 扭伤? 也可能是一个很深的瘀伤? Do you need to see a doctor, or will it heal on its own?

骨折, 扭伤s and contusions can have similar symptoms, making it difficult to know the severity of the injury. Injuries can get worse if not treated properly, so if you are in doubt, see your healthcare provider.


When you think of a bruise, you most likely think of a tender black and blue spot on your skin. 但瘀伤, which happen when blood vessels break and leak a small amount of blood into the surrounding area, 能比这更深入吗. 骨头擦伤, 或者是骨挫伤, can occur when the tissue of a bone is damaged from a fall, 意外事故或运动损伤. Because they can be quite painful, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s a bruise or a bone fracture.

Symptoms of a bone bruise include:

  • Difficulty using the affected area
  • 疼痛 that lasts from days to months
  • 刚度
  • 肿胀和压痛

Your doctor might order an X-ray to rule out a bone fracture. But because bone bruises do not show up on X-rays, he or she might order an MRI as well, depending on the severity of the injury.

治疗骨挫伤, your doctor will likely recommend limiting physical activity and taking anti-inflammatory drugs, 比如布洛芬. Applying ice for 15-20 minutes several times a day can help with pain and inflammation. If the injury is in your leg or foot, elevating the limb can help swelling go down. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a bone bruise to fully heal.


A bone fracture can be caused by a high-impact blow or an injury that causes the bone to twist. Repetitive motions, like running, can also cause stress fractures. How do you know if you have fractured a bone? 症状包括:

  • A deformity, such as bone poking through skin or a limb that looks odd
  • Difficulty using the affected area
  • Redness or warmth of the skin around the area, or bruising
  • 剧烈的疼痛
  • 肿胀

Many bone fractures will be visible on an X-ray. 但是一些, 比如应力性骨折, require more detailed imaging tests, 比如核磁共振, 骨扫描或CT扫描. Once your doctor has diagnosed a fracture, he or she will develop a treatment plan based on the location and severity of your injury.


  • 铸造: A plaster or fiberglass cast will hold your bone in place while it grows back together. This is the most common type of fracture treatment. Some casts allow for limited movement.
  • 用夹板固定: A splint also holds the bone together while it heals, but unlike a cast, it only protects one side.
  • 手术: 对于更严重的断裂, your doctor might recommend a surgical procedure to put the bone back together. This might be done with screws, plates and fixators or frames.

Bone fractures can take several months to properly heal. You will likely need to continue to limit activity for some time after a cast or splint is removed, and you may need some physical therapy to regain strength in 受伤部位.


A 扭伤 happens when a trauma causes a ligament (the tissue that connects bones at a joint) to stretch or tear. 症状包括:

  • Bruising of the skin around 受伤部位
  • Difficulty using the affected joint
  • 疼痛
  • 肿胀

阅读更多: ACL vs. MCL Tears: How’d You Hurt Your Knee?

Since these symptoms can mimic those of fractures and contusions, it’s a good idea to get evaluated by a doctor to ensure you treat the injury properly. Your doctor might order an X-ray or MRI to rule out other injuries. “RICE” is generally recommended to treat a 扭伤:

  • 休息 受伤部位.
  • the injury for 20 minutes several times a day.
  • 压缩 the injury with a bandage, boot or splint to reduce swelling.
  • 提升 患肢.

You can also take an anti-inflammatory drug, 比如布洛芬, to alleviate pain.

The amount of time it takes to fully recover depends on the severity of the 扭伤. You might need physical therapy to return to your normal strength and flexibility.

Get help when you need it at one of our three 博福特纪念特快专递 & 职业健康诊所, open after hours on weekdays and on Saturdays and Sundays. Save your spot online before you arrive.

